Coming to Germany
FAU provides a number of videos which guide you through everything you need to know when starting at FAU. Youtube playlist.
At Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) tuition fees are entirely covered by state authorities. There however is a mandatory student services fee of currently EUR 67 (sixty-seven Euro) which must be paid for each semester while students are registered as regular students at FAU. This amount must be paid upon enrolment.
The minimum cost of living (including accommodation) in Erlangen ranges from around €930 to €1,250 per month and student. Please find more detailed information here.
Accommodation in Erlangen starts from around €400 per month and person depending on size and type. For more information please visit here: Tips and advice on housing and apartment hunting
Before coming to Germany you need to check the visa requirements. For further information see the Visa Information provided by DAAD.
For information on health insurance please go to Insurance.
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) does not offer own scholarships. Each student may however apply for a scholarship offered by various organizations (foundations, companies, political parties, religious groups, etc.). FAU has also compiled a list of foundations offering a variety of scholarships. The German Academical Exchange Service (DAAD) offers an extensive compilation of different possible funds. And you can find scholarship programs sponsored by the Free State of Bavaria for graduates of Central, Eastern and Southeastern European states here BAYHOST.
Work as a research assistant: ASC students have a guarantee to work (for 9h/week, approx. 550 €/month) as research assistants, which is a great way of gaining hands-on research experience while getting paid. A wide range of jobs are offered, including preparing lecture materials, assistance in lab course, implementation of algorithms and many more.
If you are interested in working in Germany while you are a student, you should consult this page.
For general Informatioln for International Students at FAU please go to the official university website.
ASC promotes the professional equality of women and therefore urges women to apply.
To encourage equality of opportunity, FAU implements strategies aimed at ensuring compatibility between studying, working and having a family as well as gender mainstreaming and diversity management strategies. Initiatives for supporting and advancing women within the Faculty of Engineering can be found in this flyer: Women’s Representatives Flyer The ARIADNETechNat mentoring programme provides targeted support to female students and young researchers seeking to progress in their academic career. Each participant receives one-to-one mentoring, free of charge and tailored to their career stage and specific needs, to support their career planning, as well as having the opportunity to attend specific seminars. |